Rudder removal

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Rudder removal

Post by hansjthomas »

Ok I have my Triton in the hard. The rudder is somewhat stiff, and hasn’t been off in years. The pintles and gudgeons look good.
My question is what is the best way to drop the rudder. My best thought is to unfasten the gudgeons from the deadwood, and remove enough built up bottom point that I can slide the rudder down, removing the rudder post from the tube. Is this the recommended way to remove the rudder?

Regards Hans Thomas
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Re: Rudder removal

Post by atomvoyager »

Welcome to the group. It's been over 20 years since I pulled my rudder but I recall I needed to remove the rudderhead cap, drill/knock out the peened rivets on the pintles and gudgeons and bend and wiggle the hardware to get it off. If parked on dirt you may need to dig a hole. If on concrete you can prep the rudder and have the travel lift hoist the boat. Here's a link to a previous thread on Triton rudder removal, which should answer your questions. Let us know how it goes and if you encounter problems not addressed in this thread.

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