My shed is built and I’m finishing up the trailer to haul my boat home. WOOOO HOOOOO!
I have a question about the jackstands.
Is there any way you could measure the screw jackstands on your trailer in this picture?
Currently I have one piece of 2 in. square tubing welded to the trailer frame with the screw jack/pad (with washer and nut) on top of the tubing. The threaded rod is 1 1/4” galvanized.
I Measured my boat in the boat yard and set up the stands to those measurements.
I feel like it’s putting too much threaded rod up in the air, almost the entire 30” of the rear stand rod with approx 6” left in the square tube. (the rear stands have 30” screw jack lengths, the stands forward of the rear stands have 24” threaded portions)
I’d rather have two telescoping pieces of square tubing like you have on your trailer.
In the picture, I can see there is a square collar at the top of the upper telescoping section that looks like it is there to stop it from falling all the way through the lower section when it’s retracted.
Is there anyway you could measure your telescoping stand units for me on your trailer.
and I do understand that it takes a hitch pin with a cotter pin to lock it in place when it’s retracted down and also when it’s in the upper position.
It would be very helpful to have the:
dimensions of the telescoping unit (including the tubing size)
position of the holes drilled
length of the threaded portion of the pad assembly
angle of all of the jackstands
and the distance apart from each stand on the trailer as a double check
My boat is currently on Brownell stands in the boat yard and it looks like they’re at a 15 to 16° angle.
I’m willing to come and quietly wash, scrape, sand or polish stainless as a barter.
Cheers!!! and thank you