How to separate aluminum tubes

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How to separate aluminum tubes

Post by ChrisKing »


I have an emergency tiller that has an aluminum tube about 2 inches in diameter with a extension piece, that is another aluminum tube that slides over the first piece and is held in place with a pin.

The previous owner stored the tiller as one piece and the two bit are corroded together. They would be much easier to stow if I could get the two pieces apart.

Does anybody have any suggestions on how to do this. I have tried the obvious things like using a big hammer, lots of WD40 etc.

Puffin, Alden 44, Berkeley Ca.
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Re: How to separate aluminum tubes

Post by Paulus »

Assuming you already tried the temperature variation method - cool the male portion (liquid nitrogen would be the ultimate) and heat (torch, but be careful not to melt) the female portion of the connection...

If you are able to retaIn fluid around the connection in a manner that you could soak the overlap for a while, aluminum oxide can be dissolved like magic by using ammonia.

Drano drain cleaner in water also dissolves aluminum oxide.
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