Lead Paint

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Lead Paint

Post by sscoll »

I'm wondering how prevalent lead is in the paint layers we sand off these hulls? I'm working in an enclosed space and am not wanting to contaminate it for other users. Any thoughts?
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Re: Lead Paint

Post by Hirilondë »

It is certainly possible. Is your boat painted in a simple oil based paint? Regardless of what you think is on your boat a good vacuum system for your sander is recommended. And for your sake, a good respirator.
Dave Finnegan
builder of Spindrift 9N #521 'Wingë'
Gresham’s Law of information: Bad information drives out good. No matter how long ago a correction for a particular error may have appeared in print or online, it never seems to catch up with the ever-widening distribution of the error.
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Re: Lead Paint

Post by sscoll »

Thanks, I'm being cautious. In as much as this boat was built in the mid '60's before lead in paints became the issue that it is today, I'm wondering what others may know about the evolution of constituent components in marine paints from those days.

The hull and topsides were stripped and redone by the PO. The deck and outside cabin surfaces are where I'm applying most of my energy this season. Here I'm finding an interesting layering of various hues and textures. I don't think any of it is house paint. Basically I'm sanding to the original non-skid then will be painting in the spring.

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Re: Lead Paint

Post by Hirilondë »

All oil based paints used to have lead in them to some extent. It is still today a great preservative for wood, especially below the water line. Red lead and white lead paints will always be desirable as a primer for wooden boats. It is very flexible, so it withstands expansion and contraction do to being in the water then out for the winter. Topcoats bond very well to it. It protects fasteners from corrosion. No product today yet works as well as lead primers for wooden boats. I hope our government will realize that some hazardous materials have to be allowed use where they are superior to others. Simultaneously I hope all users of these products realize their responsibilities in using them.
Dave Finnegan
builder of Spindrift 9N #521 'Wingë'
Gresham’s Law of information: Bad information drives out good. No matter how long ago a correction for a particular error may have appeared in print or online, it never seems to catch up with the ever-widening distribution of the error.
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Re: Lead Paint

Post by Tallystick »

You can get a lead paint test kit if you want to know for sure. http://www.prolabinc.com/products.asp?kit=leadinpaint
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Re: Lead Paint

Post by Sailordave »

Well, I was helping a friend do some work on their mid 1950's Concordia and the water tanks had lead solder.
The 1955 Lightning I was restoring has lead based paint on the bottom. I use a heat gun and scraper to get the majority of the paint off and do it OUTSIDE w/ a breeze blowing.
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