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Change in websites for my boats GREYHAWK, QUASAR, etc...

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2009 10:28 pm
by catamount
Due to circumstances beyond my control, the server that was hosting the websites documenting my boat projects disappeared last week, and isn't likely coming back. Long story, but I won't bore you with it.

So anyway, now you can find everything here:

the current project, our Peterson 34 GREYHAWK:

a previous project, our San Juan 21 QUASAR:

an even earlier project, the mast step repair to our Laser:

our cruise to Newfoundland in 2003:

One consequence of the old server's disappearance is that most of the pictures in my previous posts on this board (and others) will be missing. As time permits, maybe I can go back and edit them to update the links, but don't count on it!


Tim A.