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Maine beaches?...

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2006 11:15 am
by bcooke
Just thought I would upload a picture to get us through this wintery cold snap.

Yes, there are white beaches in Maine.



Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2006 11:52 am
by Tim
Ah, the beauty of Roque! That beach really is something else.

Did you actually have it to yourself, or is it a trick of the camera angle? I was there with my family in the early 80s, and back then it was common to have the place to yourself (as we did). Now, with Roque being the ultimate Maine "wow look how cool I am" destination for so many cruisers from away, it is reportedly rare to be able to truly enjoy the beauty and tranquility of the place. Can you imagine being there along with a couple big poweryachts from Georgetown or some such, with their generators and "water toys"? Yuck.

Nice picture. I'm going to sorely miss cruising this summer.

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2006 12:21 pm
by dasein668

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2006 2:39 pm
by bcooke
I am a very lucky boy :-)

Look left.


Look right.


The weekends had a pretty steady flow of traffic. I think these pictures came from a weekday in very late August or very early September. A lot of boats were motoring in and out of the bay but very few stayed very long. Most stayed just long enough for the picture.

Over the weekend, there were several boats anchored off the beach. To the left of the beach is a nice little inlet that I anchored in for a few days. I never had more than one neighbor. Off to the right is a superb little anchorage (deep water,surrounded by high cliffs on three sides) that was occupied about half the time I was there. I dinghied all over the place. Roque is very nice but there are some other equally stunning locations with a lot less traffic. Expect lots of foggy days though.

I'm going to sorely miss cruising this summer.
You and me both!


Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2006 2:46 pm
by dasein668
bcooke wrote:
I'm going to sorely miss cruising this summer.
You and me both!
I'll be sure to rub it in.

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2006 3:09 pm
by bcooke
No need.

Tim and I decided to join you on your boat so that we could help you with all that fresh homemade cheese!

Surely, your wife and child don't want to be part of the "delivery" cruise do they? Tell them it will take a couple of weeks to get the boat properly situated...


Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2006 5:22 pm
by dasein668

Posted: Wed Apr 19, 2006 12:39 pm
by xroyal
Britton, what peacegiving pics!

The first one took me back to a deserted beach on Tortola, BVI.

Reminds me of when my wife and I had Newfound Lake in Bristol, NH to ourselves (or so it seemed) after the summer folks had left. Similarly, I later lived on Chicoteague Island, Va, normal pop 2200, summer weekends 100,000+. The day after Labor Day it was heavenly again.
