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Review of a thread

Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2009 6:05 am
by One Way David
I'm sure Tim could correct me but in parusal of this site, I have stumbled across a couple

of threads that rate comment, IMHO. Both are in the Forum>Classic Sailboats area and the

first is "A Crazy Project I'm Very Seriously Considering...Swede 55" (posted 11/30/06 to

11/10/08). Wow, 12,841 viewings and 77 posts. I can easily justify, in my mind, that

traffic by the beautiful pics and the romanticism of the project.

But that pales in light of it's little sister, "Channel Cutters" with 7,164 views and 40 posts

(posted 3/14/05 to 10/23/06). How, you ask, can such meger numbers stand to the record of A

Crazy Project. Breadth. I doubt that anywhere on earth there is such a plethora of topics

covered in one document. Burried in an electronic archive in deep cyberspace is a blog

about uses of the most important polymer chemistry discovery known to mankind, and eloquent

wax on calculus, philosophy, education, sociology, psychiatry, politics (I have to justify

this one, "I think mandatory prison terms..."), inorganic chemistry, math education,

nautical porn, chauvinism, human ecology,lust, compitition, asthetics, voyerism, economics,

kinesthesiology, religion, and opinionism. There are institutions of higher learning that

charge a king's ransom and do not cover such applications of subjects. And its all about

boats. What else do I have to do at 3 am, I love this site. Dave.

Re: Review of a thread

Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2009 9:17 am
by Oscar
I first hooked a computer, a Commodore 64, up to the internet and "talked" to other people in 1984. I realized that this had some serious potential. Even my wildest dreams were exceeded by the use of the medium today. Google a part number and have a 90% chance that it is in the mail 15 minutes later. WOW! I'm talking boats, old and new cars, medieval and contemporary music, building and on and on.

But you are right. In addition to the utility, it allows people with a common interest from the entire world to get together and talk about the topic of interest within the entire context of their life. Amazing, what a richness

There is a lot of garbage out there, but there are also well run, thanks Tim, places like this. Little specs of light that make me postpone giving up on people in general one more day. Image

Re: Review of a thread

Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2009 4:51 pm
by One Way David
Yeah, I am right there with you. I did punch cards in a college course way back when. Started on a Radio Shack TR something or other. But what amazed me was the content of this one thread. With chagrin, of course.
