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Now THIS is depressing! April 5, 2004

Posted: Mon Apr 05, 2004 7:31 am
by Tim
Yuck! Where is spring?

Posted: Mon Apr 05, 2004 9:00 am
by Figment
My fault, I confess.

I clearly angered old man winter by uncovering the boat too early.

Posted: Mon Apr 05, 2004 9:04 am
by heartofgold

I can sympathize with your pain, as we too are experiencing a late season cold snap. It actually dipped into the 40s last night, and will only be up to 68 today (it's the first day in a week the high has been below 70).

Even though the winds will be out of the east at 12kts, take some solace in the fact that I am still 6 weeks away from finishing my winter restoration, so I won't be able to take advantage of the conditions.

Bundle up! (Sorry, Tim, I couldn't resist)

Posted: Mon Apr 05, 2004 9:44 am
by Tim
Geez, you southern/California guys are awfully smug! :<)

Since I took that photo, it's gotten worse. We got about 2 fast inches in 45 minutes or so shortly thereafter. Eeeeewwwww!

Posted: Mon Apr 05, 2004 12:13 pm
by Figment
Yeah, but aren't those little flakes of BoatMoney falling from the sky for you?

At least it's not one of those little half-inch "cosmetic" snowfalls that don't let you make any money plowing, right?

Anyway, I think you're getting the system that sat on top of us all of last week, dumping about 5" of rain, so I'm guessing you've got plenty more coming.

Posted: Mon Apr 05, 2004 2:23 pm
by Tim
No, we got the rain too, last Thursday night and Friday. About 4" worth. And it's been cloudy, raining, drizzling, or otherwise pretty miserable since a week ago today. And more to come this week.

Springtime in Maine!

(Oh, and no: no plowing out of this, either! That 2" mess was about the end of it. And anyway, at this time of year, I wouldn't go unless we got a foot or something. Ground's too soft, snow melts quickly, etc.)

Posted: Mon Apr 05, 2004 9:00 pm
by bcooke
I think we already had spring and the rumor I heard is that summer is canceled...



Posted: Tue Apr 06, 2004 8:41 am
by JetStream
Gee, in all the groaning about the weather, I think everyone forgot the birthday of the forum. Congratulations on a great first year Tim!!

Posted: Tue Apr 06, 2004 9:14 am
by Tim
JetStream wrote:I think everyone forgot the birthday of the forum. Congratulations on a great first year Tim!!
Oh it is! Happy birthday to us!

All gifts will be readily accepted. ;<) Please refrain from singing, however.

Thanks to all who continue to visit this humble forum and put up with me and the other characters here!

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2004 3:02 pm
by Tony
Boy Tim, I feel for ya buddy. You know, after about 4 days of 70 degree weather and clear skies, it was cloudy here yesterday...LOL