What boat is it ?

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What boat is it ?

Post by markwesti »

We have been sailing for , ahem , awhile . I have seen this boat (the clean one) around our marina and at our favorite island mooring field since the beginning of our sailing . Now what I'm going to try to describe are two boats , I think they are the same design . the thing is the really clean one is in a 40' slip and the one falling apart one is in a 35' slip . Our marina is very strict about size , so one must be a little smaller , I think they look the same size to me . To me this design looks to be from the 70's and was a serious cruising design . The one falling apart is mainly just cosmetic gel coat . And yes both are tiller steered and transom hung rudder.
ImageIMG_0080 by mark westi, on Flickr
ImageIMG_0082 by mark westi, on Flickr
ImageIMG_0083 by mark westi, on Flickr
ImageIMG_0094 by mark westi, on Flickr
And the other one . Sorry pics aren't real good , the only difference I can tell is the good one does not have a hatch before the little bow house .
ImageIMG_0084 by mark westi, on Flickr
ImageIMG_0086 by mark westi, on Flickr
ImageIMG_0085 by mark westi, on Flickr
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Re: What boat is it ?

Post by CapnK »

I think this may be your clean one:

https://www.st.nmfs.noaa.gov/pls/webpls ... _in=622653

Not much detail there, though. Will do some more sleuthing.Nice looking design!
Kurt and Barque, the CrewDog.
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Re: What boat is it ?

Post by markwesti »

Well you certainly found it CapnK , interesting the Burtrum family . The first time I saw Revalation was over at the island (Catalina) it was probably the mid 90's , the boat looked pretty much the same as it does now . Of course that boom is a new addition . The gentlemann that owned the boat then wore a non boating type hat , it had a round flat top head part a round flat brim with little dingle balls on the edge of the brim . That same hat was painted on the boat right after the name . When I first saw the gentleman , (owner)he was getting up there in age . I saw him sitting in the stern in a folding lawn chair with that hat on . His younger (son , daughter) were with him handling the boat . So it's 38' 14 tons , Thats bout' all we know , thanks CapnK . Stay tuned maybe I'll see the owners one day .
PS I'm not real good on a computer , I just started using Flickr and I just noticed that if you click on the image it blow up and you can mouse around on it and see detail , but you probably knew that .
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Re: What boat is it ?

Post by CapnK »

Man, this one has me stumped! I've been searching on and off all day, and turned up - ZIP. :lol:

Sh'e got some characteristics of a Hess Channel Cutter - but a different stern and rigging. Transom like a Roberts Spray. A sort of a Hans Christian look. Cheoy Lee teak. In short -

She's a beautiful mutt! :D

I did "find" her in the marina on Google Maps, and I think perhaps also the second/"dirty" one as well. The clean one is second from the end on her row, right? Is the dirty one across the way at another basin?

I really want to see/learn more details of these, it's an intriguing boat. That there are two of them in the same marina makes me think it must have been at least a limited production boat. Maybe a kit? But they don't look like that... Arrgh. ;)
Kurt and Barque, the CrewDog.
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Re: What boat is it ?

Post by markwesti »

I did some more looking around today . Cool you could find them on Google map Capn' . And yes the clean one , Revelation is on the end on the dock on the 40' side and the black one (Windjammer) is on the 35' side and they are almost bow to bow .
Windjammer's home port is Pinon Hills . I have a nice pic of Windjammers stern , but I'll have to post it later Flicker is having a problem .
Yes Capn' it is very interesting that these two boats are in the same marina not to mention bow to bow on the same dock . The first owner of Revelation has passed or is resting at a home for sure , so It makes me think that two friends bought these boats and one never really got finished . ?
Back in the 70's a town near Seal Beach called Costa Mesa was the boat building capital of California , there were sail lofts , rigging shops , motor shops , lumber yards not to mention boat yards that built boats . Some yards put out lots of boats some just a few and then folded , Possibly this boat is of the latter .
OK Flickr is working here is Windjammer , I think the sterns are the same . I just had a thought the Westsail 42 and 43 have the same hull they called them different because one is center cockpit and the latter was aft . In my marina measurement rules are all over the place , and these guys are some of the first in the marina so maybe Windjammer fudged a bit to get the smaller slip .
ImageIMG_0103 by mark westi, on Flickr
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Re: What boat is it ?

Post by markwesti »

Sorry , please ignore this . I was experimenting with posting pics .
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