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Pearson Triton #14 for sale on eBay ending Feb 26, 2009

Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2009 4:39 am
by Rachel
I hope it's okay to post a link to an eBay auction here. It's for Triton #14 which seems kind of special being so close to the beginning of the run. If nothing else, perhaps this will be some good history info. for Britton's Triton archives.

I have no connection to the seller or the boat, although reading through the auction, the fellow who wrote the auction apparently grew up with a Triton in the family. Unfortunately, only one not-very-good interior photo, but they sound as though they will be responsive and it is possible to view the boat, which is in the Florida Keys.

Here is the auction number (you can put this in the search line at eBay motors and it will take you to the Triton):


Lovely lines she has :)

