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may be interesting

Posted: Sun May 07, 2006 11:36 pm
by kendall
Was browsing the local craigs list, and found this posting that may lead to something interesting:

copied here

Reply to:
Date: 2006-05-04, 3:59PM EDT

Do you have the desire to give an extreme makeover to boats in need?

Do you have SKILLS in this area? (Fiberglass, structural, mechanical systems, engines, electronics, repowering, graphics, upholstery, etc.)

Do you have PERSONALITY?

If so, then we?re looking for you!

Los Angeles based documentary/reality TV company is seeking individuals and crews who are experienced in boat refurbishing & restoration for it?s new television project!

Please email us with your picture and contact information and tell us a little bit about your skills & expertise OR call our hotline and leave us a voice message with your contact information!

Bizzy Blondes Casting

all the boat talent and personality here, we may be able to watch people we've talked to.


Posted: Mon May 08, 2006 6:34 am
by Duncan
I can't believe it - "reality TV" hits "good old boat restoration". Growing power of The Dark Side, I sense.

Posted: Mon May 08, 2006 7:29 am
by Ric in Richmond
I say we start a campaign to get tim his own TV show.

"This Old Boat"....I'll bet he even has a Norm-like accent (Like "this old house").

Every weekend on PBS he can whip out a project in an hour that would take mortals a month to do using amazing tools.


Posted: Mon May 08, 2006 7:54 am
by dasein668
This has been touched on before...


Posted: Mon May 08, 2006 8:00 am
by Figment
and I still say that's some of your best work, Nathan! It still gives me a chuckle.

Posted: Mon May 08, 2006 8:57 am
by David VanDenburgh
Actually, I heard on the FurledSails podcast that is going to be rebuilding an Alberg 30 on their video podcast - essentially a This Old Boat type thing. Should be interesting. I haven't seen any information on the sailing channel website yet, though.

Posted: Mon May 08, 2006 11:26 am
by Duncan
Ric in Richmond wrote:I say we start a campaign to get tim his own TV show.
Nothing to do with Tim L. and his incomparable work, matchless expertise and so on, but I just keep picturing that other Tim on "Home Improvement", with their 'Tool Time' segment and all. I could only qualify as the hapless assistant who always ends up getting epoxied to something, or serving as a human clamp for a few hours while Tim goes off elsewhere...

Or some weird 'reality' show, where Donald Trump keeps pestering the crew about how long it's going to take the boat to be finally done, and why it will never be worth even half the money and time they're spending on it, and 'whose brilliant idea was this anyway?'...

Posted: Mon May 08, 2006 9:50 pm
by catamount
Yeah, sure, I could do a "Boat Improvement/Tool Time" show, no problem.

Posted: Tue May 09, 2006 12:45 am
by Peter
"Bizzy Blondes Casting " ?????

Comon guys, I think someone is 'pushing our legs'

Posted: Tue May 09, 2006 5:58 am
by Tim
Sorry guys...a future TV personality I ain't. Especially for "Bizzy Blondes". If Russ Morash should happen to knock on my door, I suppose I would at least listen, but it's hardly an ambition of mine.

I'm sorry to be so cynical, but I just keep picturing something like "Shipshape TV" when I hear this talk of an old boat restoration show. I foresee some annoyingly cliche host who's supposed to fit the target demographic somehow, and a program filled with unrealistic, glossed-over, and poorly handled "projects", all more geared towards product placement and advertising revenue than to any real benefit for the viewer.

Either that, or the show will become something irritating like "Monster Garage"--a show that started out with a unique, fun, and interesting concept, but became a victim of its own success and lost sight of what it was supposed to be.

I don't like the entertainment business, I guess!

Posted: Tue May 09, 2006 8:31 am
by Duncan
catamount wrote:Yeah, sure, I could do a "Boat Improvement/Tool Time" show, no problem.
Tim Allen - Keene, NH
Wow, could you ever! I just spent a very enjoyable little bit of time at your website reading about the toolchest, saws, barn, and so on.

Tim wrote:I'm sorry to be so cynical
Actually, I think your take is pretty sound, not cynical at all. I was watching one of the few shows I enjoy last night, but that was spoiled by an announcement that the star has signed a new three year, $40 million contract to carry on.
It's almost entirely about money (i.e. advertising), and despite my economics and business background, I can't help feeling it's a case of market failure - surely $4 million would have induced the "star" to stay on.
Even $400,000 would buy a lot of teak and epoxy, and a few old boats to work on. Sheesh.

Posted: Tue May 09, 2006 5:48 pm
by bcooke
I can't help feeling it's a case of market failure
Not if you are the guy receiving the $40 mil. Its that guy and a few others like him that manage the system after all. Works great from their vantage point.

I know I will get in trouble for that. The econo/political discussion group is two clicks down on the right after all and this is a boat repair forum.

I think a boat restoration project on TV would be do-able and quite enjoyable to watch but I agree that the implementation is destined to go astray.

Now if an individual would take it on his own initiative and manage the entire project on his own and later sell the finished product, either through mass media or private sales, I think there could be a good payoff. Tim, you might not want to be a celebrity but like it or not I think you already are. Just the other day I was chatting with my neighbor at the boat yard and he asked what kind of boat I had. When I said Triton his reply was, "Oh, you must know that Tim guy on the internet..." The word is out. The papparazzi are coming.


Posted: Tue May 09, 2006 7:26 pm
by Tim
bcooke wrote:The papparazzi are coming.
That's why I moved where no one can find me...
bcooke wrote:Now if an individual would take it on his own initiative and manage the entire project on his own and later sell the finished product, either through mass media or private sales, I think there could be a good payoff.
Believe it or not, I hear there are still individuals who will go to these efforts simply for the fun and good will of it, and maybe even to connect with other individuals of similar interest, rather than as a way to make a quick buck before moving on to "the next big thing".

Posted: Tue May 09, 2006 7:34 pm
by Figment
I think it's inevitable that one of us will hear "oh you must know that Britton guy on the internet".
The day is coming.

Posted: Tue May 09, 2006 7:43 pm
by dasein668
Figment wrote:I think it's inevitable that one of us will hear "oh you must know that Britton guy on the internet".
The day is coming.
In his cutoff Carhardts and no shirt...

The image is still haunting me... Thanks Britton!

Posted: Wed May 10, 2006 6:25 am
by Tim
OK...they have fireman calendars, Maine lobsterman calendars...can boat guy calendars be far behind? After all, we have Britton all set for the cover photo already.

Sounds like a marketing flop to me! Any of you venture capitalists out there want to lose some money for tax purposes?

Posted: Wed May 10, 2006 5:48 pm
by bcooke
"oh you must know that Britton guy on the internet".
Quite possibly but I suspect for reasons not related to Tim's fame.


P.S. The deluge of fan mail left my photo inventory quite depleted but I may have a couple more around for my 'special' friends. Contact me off forum if you are interested...