Setting Scaffolding up for Hull Prep/paint

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Setting Scaffolding up for Hull Prep/paint

Post by lsheaf »

Hey guys,

I'm hauling my boat out soon and am going to paint the topsides with Awl grip. Does anyone have advice on setting up scaffolding around the boat for preparation work and painting? I have access to some old 2 x 4s from a local home builder which should be of help.

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Re: Setting Scaffolding up for Hull Prep/paint

Post by atomvoyager »

You could use the 2x4s to make sawhorses and then use 2x12 planks on top. The sawhorses may need to be taller than standard. I have ready made ones and need to place cement blocks under them for the right height. I set up enough to go all the way around the boat rather than having to move them, which would slow the work way down. Maybe you can sell them to another boat owner when finished or exchange them to the boatyard for a discount on your bill. But if you're at a boatyard they may already have something you can borrow.
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Re: Setting Scaffolding up for Hull Prep/paint

Post by lsheaf »

That’s a good idea. I should be able to find 2 x 12s pretty easily too.
I think if the yard has anything available it will be for rent but It’s worth asking.

Thank you!
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