Search found 236 matches
- Thu May 30, 2024 5:01 pm
- Forum: Forum News
- Topic: Outage reason, May 28th, '24
- Replies: 1
- Views: 12013
Outage reason, May 28th, '24
Well, we got hit with a DDOS attack for some reason. I have no idea why anyone would bother doing that, as there is no real data here of any monetary value. At any rate, the site is back up now. Apologie sto any who noticed it, it was not anything I had any control over. To give you an idea of how b...
- Sat Apr 13, 2024 1:44 pm
- Forum: Projects
- Topic: Introducing Katie-J
- Replies: 381
- Views: 316027
Re: Introducing Katie-J
Resin in your hair for days. :D I'll be doing similar to Katie Marie soon, finishing up the inside area where my mast brace will be mounted to the overhead. Your 3mm G10 solution works better than did my try at wrapping the overhead support in waxed paper and using it to hold and shape wet glass up ...
- Sat Apr 13, 2024 4:28 am
- Forum: Ramblings
- Topic: Our Winter Worklists
- Replies: 90
- Views: 128249
Re: Our Winter Worklists
A real blast from the past. :) Hi Figment! Good to hear that you are still 'marine projecting'. :D None of those tasks are onerous, other than perhaps the keel crack - she must be in great shape. I like those GB's: nice layouts, good manageable size, and pleasing to the eye - they look like they wou...
- Thu Jan 04, 2024 8:37 am
- Forum: Projects
- Topic: Introducing Katie-J
- Replies: 381
- Views: 316027
Re: Introducing Katie-J
Still no idea why the brazillion hits on the post, but - it doesn't hurt anything, so... :) I've been using a "foam sandwich" that has proven comfortable: 2 inch foam on the bottom, then a yoga mat (3/8", maybe 1/2"?) in the middle, and a "memory foam" mattress topper. ...
- Sat Dec 30, 2023 12:20 pm
- Forum: Projects
- Topic: Introducing Katie-J
- Replies: 381
- Views: 316027
Re: Introducing Katie-J
Congrats! You are just a popular guy... :D Not sure why, exactly. Checking server I see that Alibaba hit us pretty hard the past couple days, but not only this thread. And this is the only thread I have seen which has clocked over 10K views. When did you first notice the views number going up? Could...
- Wed Jul 12, 2023 11:28 am
- Forum: Projects
- Topic: Introducing Katie-J
- Replies: 381
- Views: 316027
Re: Introducing Katie-J
I like the twing idea vs a track - very sensible, easier to rig up, much cheaper, adjustable from cockpit. Win win. 

- Sun Jul 09, 2023 5:27 pm
- Forum: Projects
- Topic: Introducing Katie-J
- Replies: 381
- Views: 316027
Re: Introducing Katie-J
NO Way! Man, I just spent two days catching up on your thread, seeing all the great progress, and then today, get to the end, and - this.
Man, my heart goes out to you. That just sucks. I cannot begin to imagine how frustrated and plain angry you must feel.
Words fail me.
If I can help somehow...
Man, my heart goes out to you. That just sucks. I cannot begin to imagine how frustrated and plain angry you must feel.
Words fail me.
If I can help somehow...
- Fri Jul 07, 2023 9:23 am
- Forum: Boatbuilding and Repair Techniques
- Topic: CD27 squishy cockpit sole
- Replies: 6
- Views: 6023
Re: CD27 squishy cockpit sole
Hello Mike - When I rebuilt the cockpit sole of my A-30 I used foam as a core, pre-cut to fit while the old squishy sole was still in place. On removal of the old cored area, I found that there to be a 'lip' of solid glass at the bottom corner which was 3/4-1" wide, all around the perimeter. Ma...
- Fri Jul 07, 2023 8:51 am
- Forum: Projects
- Topic: South Coast 21
- Replies: 73
- Views: 38486
Re: South Coast 21
Very nice work on the trailer, Lloyd! Jib looks nice as well. Could you maybe replace the small, hard rubber trailer jack wheel with a larger "real" wheel/tire, to supplant or perhaps negate the need for the trolly altogether? I've seen trollies like that before, but never in use. Never kn...
- Fri Jul 07, 2023 8:40 am
- Forum: Projects
- Topic: 1964 Alberg 30 Tradewinds
- Replies: 9
- Views: 6197
Re: 1964 Alberg 30 Tradewinds
Hi Michael - Congrats on your "new" boat!!! :) My experience with the blobs'/filler are just as James says, chipping as much away as possible before grinding, saves a lot of work, and dust. Same also as James (as usual) on hull thickness. I was appalled to find out that the vertical cabin ...
- Fri Jul 07, 2023 8:22 am
- Forum: Boatbuilding and Repair Techniques
- Topic: Gutted Hull to Offshore Boat: What It Takes
- Replies: 3
- Views: 3816
Re: Gutted Hull to Offshore Boat: What It Takes
Well planned, impeccably completed, beautiful, and inspirational! GREAT job, John! She is amazing. Enjoyed the video as well. Got a good chuckle at about minute 25 when you were speaking about building the bowsprit and described your learning curve as "vertical". lol Good to see you here, ...
- Mon Jan 23, 2023 5:18 pm
- Forum: Projects
- Topic: Islander 36, shoal draft version.
- Replies: 6
- Views: 8761
Re: Islander 36, shoal draft version.
Been trying to sell, nobody is buying it seems. Lots of interest, I had low prices, but - no follow through. :cry: Like my A-30. Standard boat no major mods, good working diesel, nothing fancy but all there, solid bones on which to build, you know? https:/...
- Sun Jan 22, 2023 1:06 pm
- Forum: Projects
- Topic: Islander 36, shoal draft version.
- Replies: 6
- Views: 8761
Re: Islander 36, shoal draft version.
All good thoughts, thanks! :) Just measured - it uses just a lil bit over 1.5" ( 1 & 5/8th of an inch, to be exact) . In America, 1" thick wood is really only 3/4" thick. Wonky, that. Maybe it's because of inflation. ;) Headroom amidships in the I-36 is 75", and I'm 68"-...
- Sat Jan 21, 2023 7:46 pm
- Forum: Projects
- Topic: Islander 36, shoal draft version.
- Replies: 6
- Views: 8761
Re: Islander 36, shoal draft version.
Overhead replacement. Been back and forth in my brainspace about how to tackle this. I ripped down the old, original foam(powder)-backed vinyl several years ago and painted the bare glass behind it white, in the meanwhile. Chose this solution below as it seems both affordable and not too much of a s...
- Thu Nov 17, 2022 12:58 pm
- Forum: Sailing and Cruising
- Topic: Provisioning In the Virgin Islands - Sourcing Bulk Dried Foods
- Replies: 1
- Views: 2138
Re: Provisioning In the Virgin Islands - Sourcing Bulk Dried Foods
Great info, thanks!!!
- Thu Nov 17, 2022 12:54 pm
- Forum: Boatbuilding and Repair Techniques
- Topic: 1966 Bristol 29 Mast Step Interior Update - Prepared to Dive In….Well Soon
- Replies: 2
- Views: 3225
Re: 1966 Bristol 29 Mast Step Interior Update - Prepared to Dive In….Well Soon
Hi Elizabeth, and Welcome aboard! Sounds like your B29 is set up very nicely indeed! For my Ariel, I had a strongback structure (for the interior) and a mast base/tabernacle welded up out of aluminum tubing, the work was done by a guy who makes tuna towers for sportsfishing boats. The interior suppo...
- Thu Nov 17, 2022 12:42 pm
- Forum: Boat Photos
- Topic: 1967 Allied Seawind 30 Stardust
- Replies: 1
- Views: 2521
Re: 1967 Allied Seawind 30 Stardust
Pretty pretty! 

- Thu Nov 17, 2022 12:41 pm
- Forum: Questions and Answers
- Topic: Mantus Anchor Swivel
- Replies: 3
- Views: 4290
Re: Mantus Anchor Swivel
I've a swivel on my 45# "Oh Sh*t!" Spade anchor that I use for hurricanes, and haven't had any issues with it, and teh boat swung a goodly bit, including 180. Not sure of the brand, but I'd recommend you use some TefGel, lanolin, or similar on it when attaching, or it won't want to come ba...
- Thu Aug 25, 2022 12:59 pm
- Forum: Materials, Sources, and Innovations
- Topic: C-Head compost toilet warning
- Replies: 2
- Views: 3831
Re: C-Head compost toilet warning
I found this: A 'victim' of their own success? They always seemed to be a small operation, and have gotten to be widely known. I understand becoming overwhelmed, but they should stop taking orders at the ve...
- Wed Jul 13, 2022 10:09 am
- Forum: Projects
- Topic: Introducing Katie-J
- Replies: 381
- Views: 316027
Re: Introducing Katie-J
I keep all of my spare hoses and various metal lumps inside the oil pan...

- Wed Jul 13, 2022 10:08 am
- Forum: Projects
- Topic: Atom 6.5 Divinycell
- Replies: 27
- Views: 19557
Re: Atom 6.5 Divinycell
I did look into the picture rotation issue, and it has been around for some time, even thru different versions of the Forum software wherein it was supposedly fixed. 
So far I have not found a definitive solution, but if I do I will implement it ASAP!

So far I have not found a definitive solution, but if I do I will implement it ASAP!
- Tue Jul 12, 2022 1:56 am
- Forum: Questions and Answers
- Topic: Anchor Locker drains to bilge - good? bad?
- Replies: 3
- Views: 3869
Re: Anchor Locker drains to bilge - good? bad?
James covered it well - the linked 3-brush thingy is neat, as is the long handled routine! I'm usually a dipper-n-shaker. :) I have at times just let dirty chain ride on deck while spray from the bow cleans it (mostly) , finishing the chore once well underway with searoom. Conditions have to be righ...
- Tue Jul 12, 2022 1:42 am
- Forum: Boatbuilding and Repair Techniques
- Topic: Removable inner forestay conversion
- Replies: 6
- Views: 5501
Re: Removable inner forestay conversion
Benjamin - Glad you found a solution, show us some pics when you get her set up! What is the make/name etc of that particular lever? I've a daysailer project where it may come in handy. Thanks!
- Tue Jul 12, 2022 1:36 am
- Forum: Questions and Answers
- Topic: Off - 1 - Both - 2 switch
- Replies: 2
- Views: 3460
Re: Off - 1 - Both - 2 switch
I don't think that a momentary 'Both' would hurt, especially if both were at the same or near the same voltage. My understanding is that the reason the two should be on separate circuits is mostly due to difference in charging regimes needed, due to different chemistry. That said, I am not an electr...
- Thu Jul 07, 2022 6:49 am
- Forum: Projects
- Topic: Rebirth - Ariel #422 "Katie Marie"
- Replies: 6
- Views: 5135
Re: Rebirth - Ariel #422 "Katie Marie"
I've gotten a good bit of work done, here's an update sans pics which I'll get up soon... I initially was using the 1/2" ply to make panels, but I've changed from that. Instead, I'm making all the panels with an EPS (pink foam) core sandwiched between epoxy/glass skins. It's WAY lighter, and wh...
- Thu Jun 30, 2022 3:04 pm
- Forum: Materials, Sources, and Innovations
- Topic: Free Schafer 1100 6’ Foil Section
- Replies: 2
- Views: 3546
Re: Free Schafer 1100 6’ Foil Section
While I don't need the foil, my rigger friend Cap'n Rick in St Augustine may be able to put it to use sooner or later. I'll ask him.
As an aside: Where are you in SC? I'm in Georgetown. Good to know I'm not the only 'old boat appreciator' in SC....
As an aside: Where are you in SC? I'm in Georgetown. Good to know I'm not the only 'old boat appreciator' in SC....

- Sun Jun 12, 2022 9:45 am
- Forum: Projects
- Topic: Introducing Katie-J
- Replies: 381
- Views: 316027
Re: Introducing Katie-J
I've always wanted to try one of those...
As an Internationally Recognized Aficionado and Expert on Pizza
I can tell you that it is possible to grill your pizza in a rail mounted propane BBQ.
As an Internationally Recognized Aficionado and Expert on Pizza

- Thu Jun 09, 2022 7:43 am
- Forum: Projects
- Topic: Introducing Katie-J
- Replies: 381
- Views: 316027
Re: Introducing Katie-J
I first tried it with an all-in-one Coleman Exponent Multi-fuel stove. A friend had one that he used for years on backpacking, biking, and kayak trips and it impressed me. But the first time I used a big pot and long cooking times, it started leaking vaporized fuel at the built-in pump - just inches...
- Wed Jun 08, 2022 1:39 pm
- Forum: Projects
- Topic: Introducing Katie-J
- Replies: 381
- Views: 316027
Re: Introducing Katie-J
Re: Churning mechanism - I've been pondering variations for years. How does/will yours work, it appears to need to have a hole in the bottom of the solids container...? Re: Stove - I had the same model stove, bought for the same idea and reasons. :) Great equipment! For consideration: One thing I fo...
- Tue Jun 07, 2022 11:27 am
- Forum: Questions and Answers
- Topic: Gasket for sliding hatch
- Replies: 6
- Views: 4926
Re: Gasket for sliding hatch
I've always liked and plan to try a version of the companionway cover Yves Gelinas came up with for his circumnavigation. Basically a sheet of clear material with a few battens that are a bit wider than the companionway opening to hold it stiff. The construct just flops down over the opening via gra...
- Fri Jun 03, 2022 8:58 pm
- Forum: Materials, Sources, and Innovations
- Topic: Collapsible water bag/tank
- Replies: 4
- Views: 4902
Re: Collapsible water bag/tank
This link is for a 1 gal gas container, saying it can be used for "temporary transportation of hydrocarbons". It's about 5x as expensive, but has some extras: Interestingly, this 5 gal jug seems to be of the same construc...
- Fri Jun 03, 2022 1:50 pm
- Forum: Materials, Sources, and Innovations
- Topic: Collapsible water bag/tank
- Replies: 4
- Views: 4902
Re: Collapsible water bag/tank
I just called them. The 5 gal containers are not compatible, they are a 2 layer construct and the inner layer becomes permeable over time. However, they do make in a 1 gal size a single wall 10 mil thick bag which they have had gas stored in for over 2 years at their shop. The customer service gal I...
- Fri Jun 03, 2022 1:40 pm
- Forum: Materials, Sources, and Innovations
- Topic: Collapsible water bag/tank
- Replies: 4
- Views: 4902
Re: Collapsible water bag/tank
James I had the same experience with the Reliance containers, and I think that you'll find these to be *much* better. They also stow a lot smaller.
Ideally, they'd make some that were gas/diesel compatible...
Ideally, they'd make some that were gas/diesel compatible...

- Wed Jun 01, 2022 7:36 am
- Forum: Materials, Sources, and Innovations
- Topic: Collapsible water bag/tank
- Replies: 4
- Views: 4902
Collapsible water bag/tank
Got a call from a fellow here who was just back from the Bahamas with some rigging issues on his Sabre 36. After we went thru that, we were talking cruising in general and he gave me one of these. Like a giant Platypus, if you know what those are. He told me he'd found them very handy to use, especi...
- Wed Jun 01, 2022 7:32 am
- Forum: Projects
- Topic: Atom 6.5 Divinycell
- Replies: 27
- Views: 19557
Re: Atom 6.5 Divinycell
Does anyone know why some of these photos are posting in a different orientation than how they display on my phone? I'm not sure, but would guess that your phone is reading the background EXIF data of the image(s), and so knows automagically to rotate it when you view it, without telling you it is ...
- Tue May 24, 2022 12:06 am
- Forum: Projects
- Topic: Atom 6.5 Divinycell
- Replies: 27
- Views: 19557
Re: Atom 6.5 Divinycell
WHA..? lol Sometimes the best stories come from the worst 'happenings'.

I had one of those. Fortunately that did not happen while I had it!
- Fri May 20, 2022 9:23 pm
- Forum: Projects
- Topic: Atom 6.5 Divinycell
- Replies: 27
- Views: 19557
Re: Atom 6.5 Divinycell
O oh oh - awesome!
Been wanting to do similar for years! *Very* interested in finding out how she comes out weight-wise...
Good on ya' for using good core! She will still be a lot cheaper than an inflatable, and more durable. Love it. 

- Wed May 18, 2022 9:16 am
- Forum: Projects
- Topic: Rebirth - Ariel #422 "Katie Marie"
- Replies: 6
- Views: 5135
Re: Rebirth - Ariel #422 "Katie Marie"
Been too busy chasing freedom chips for the past few days to get much done but have some more free time coming up it looks like to keep rolling. Got her bilge sump filled and (not yet in before/after pic) glassed over, and the other pic shows what's happening with the aft end, cockpit lockers and su...
- Tue May 17, 2022 11:00 am
- Forum: Projects
- Topic: Rebirth - Ariel #422 "Katie Marie"
- Replies: 6
- Views: 5135
Re: Rebirth - Ariel #422 "Katie Marie"
Found this drawing which I think likely explains my plans better than the written description above. :) As an aside, over the weekend I saw a Bristol 24 advertised for sale, and on looking at those they have/had 2 layouts, one of which is very similar to what I've come up with.| Which goes to provin...
- Tue May 10, 2022 6:22 pm
- Forum: Classifieds
- Topic: Used Beta Marine 14 Diesel
- Replies: 3
- Views: 3725
Re: Used Beta Marine 14 Diesel
Cool, will be neat to see a Cape Dory 'Atom 27'. 

- Tue May 10, 2022 6:20 pm
- Forum: Projects
- Topic: Introducing Katie-J
- Replies: 381
- Views: 316027
Re: Introducing Katie-J
Is that end for the mast tang(s)? If so, how will you be tensioning the line? I've seen the Colligo deadeyes, they look nice but are pricey. Saw a post somewhere and it was a guy using a fence tensioner, like the last one shown in this video . I bought a cheap plastic version of that to try out on m...
- Mon May 09, 2022 8:46 pm
- Forum: Projects
- Topic: Introducing Katie-J
- Replies: 381
- Views: 316027
Re: Introducing Katie-J
Ah hah! I was wondering how you terminated the line... then looking close at this part I see you are making a small eye splice over this metal plug (for lack of the proper term) which I've highlighted with a yellowish color, and that fits inside the terminal - is that correct?
- Sun May 08, 2022 1:14 pm
- Forum: Classifieds
- Topic: Used Beta Marine 14 Diesel
- Replies: 3
- Views: 3725
Re: Used Beta Marine 14 Diesel
Hello Lilypad! Welcome to PCF! Given this sale and the boat location, sounds like someone might be getting an outboard in their lazarette...? 

- Sun May 08, 2022 1:11 pm
- Forum: Boatbuilding and Repair Techniques
- Topic: Any tips on jacking up a boat?
- Replies: 3
- Views: 3613
Re: Any tips on jacking up a boat?
Hi Grounder and welcome aboard! I think James covered it well, key point being taking the time to do it in small increments and "holistically", for lack of a better word. 

- Mon May 02, 2022 12:22 pm
- Forum: Projects
- Topic: Introducing Katie-J
- Replies: 381
- Views: 316027
Re: Introducing Katie-J
Looked backed thru the thread and now I think I fully understand that you bilge tank as-is will be cut up, turning it into 5 smaller tanks - correct? A thought on the bolt/nut molds - I've read of some people using AquaNet brand hair spray as a mold release agent. Maybe a dose or two of that over to...
- Mon May 02, 2022 11:13 am
- Forum: Projects
- Topic: Rebirth - Ariel #422 "Katie Marie"
- Replies: 6
- Views: 5135
Re: Rebirth - Ariel #422 "Katie Marie"
Thanks! The goal is to take her to the Bahamas, this coming winter.
- Fri Apr 29, 2022 10:53 am
- Forum: Boatbuilding and Repair Techniques
- Topic: Bar Rust 233 curing question
- Replies: 27
- Views: 17783
Re: Bar Rust 233 curing question
I'll be laying up some epoxy soon and will give it a test. Thx, James!
- Fri Apr 29, 2022 10:50 am
- Forum: Projects
- Topic: Wiring for Airhead toilet fan
- Replies: 6
- Views: 4300
Re: Wiring for Airhead toilet fan
Bad and Good news, I guess, as I have an old stainless one of 80's/90's vintage still on the shelf. :) While looking for the Defender link, I did see this IP65 solar vent fan. The fan itself has an inline plug, perhaps when off-boat you could route that out thru the vent to the panel, and when aboar...
- Fri Apr 29, 2022 9:12 am
- Forum: Projects
- Topic: Rebirth - Ariel #422 "Katie Marie"
- Replies: 6
- Views: 5135
Rebirth - Ariel #422 "Katie Marie"
Interior almost all the way blocked in. Soon to come - all the so-much-fun grinding and sanding and paint removal needed to make this permanent. ;) Infos: Forward, those are primarily buoyancy tanks, 'composter' head between them eventually, cabinetry on top. Junk rig mast will be up there somewhere...
- Fri Apr 29, 2022 8:54 am
- Forum: Boatbuilding and Repair Techniques
- Topic: Bar Rust 233 curing question
- Replies: 27
- Views: 17783
Re: Bar Rust 233 curing question
Great timing as I've just begin building my integral settee tanks. :D The G10 lid seems like a solid idea. For a 'sight glass', have you ever tried just sawing a narrow slit in the side of the tank, backfilling it with plain clear epoxy prior to glassing, and leaving that slit exposed to view on the...