fixing leak at Mast

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Bottom Sanding Grunt
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fixing leak at Mast

Post by Zen »

This is my first post here and I am seeking an answer for a friend.

My friend has an Ariel that needs to have the mast re-stepped. There is a leak coming in through the strongback and down into the cabin where the wires for the light in the mast come through. SInce the mast has not been stepped in awhile the gasket that stops the water is crumbed to nothing. One of the PO's drilled two small holes in the base of the mast to let the water out that comes in from the opening at the masthead. However since the gasket is gone the water does not build up in there to flow out of these holes, but goes right into the cabin. I have tried spraying some harding foam in there for her, it did not last. As the foam did not really get that hard and the water just ...well mostly melted it.

She can not afford right now to have the mast stepped , since buying a new condo. I have offered to climb the mast and put a hood ( like a bonnet) over the masthead to keep out most of the rain ( rainy season here).

Anyone have any suggestions on something to fill in the mast base to stop the leak until she an have it re-stepped?
I'm thinking, drill a little larger hole, maybe .5in and fill in the base with something like 3m /4200. Also do the same from inside the cabin up into the hole where the wires go up into the mast.

Any suggestions on a better plan or method until the mast can be dropped?

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