Cetol dry time

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Cetol dry time

Post by megalops »

Hey guys,

I'm trying out cetol natural teak and high gloss on my teak toe rail. In the past with more traditional varnishes I have applied a second coat when the varnish is still just barely tacky. This allows me to put on two or three coats in a day, and lessens the number of times I needed to sand.

The cetol calls for 24 hours of drying time between coats and no sanding. I applied my first coat yesterday and it was dry to the touch within two hours here in the Florida warmth.

Has anybody out there experimented with less than 24 hours dry time on cetol?

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Re: Cetol dry time

Post by georgefmys »

Everything I do on a boat is an experiment! It's worth it cause usually works out and sometimes leads to a better , or at least easier way. Cetol application is a good example-I usually apply 2-3 coats at a time ,thin,and letting tack up slightly between. On bare wood first coat will often fuzz up and this helps fill that in. Best to let that sit 1-2 days ,then scuff and overcoat with same or gloss. Need it to set up quick? add a bit of japan drier. It's not my favorite finish, but very forgiving to work with. Have also used with excellent results on interior teak ply panels to 'blend' when necessity puts newly finished surface next to an old one-I use under [or mixed with] oil-based varnish, Cetol acting like teak stain.
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